Outdoor picture of the distillery


Sustainable distillery travel

Our Visitor center restaurant in Isokyrö is a Green Key certified destination.

Sustainable travel

Sustainability is a part of our everyday life

A part of the sustainable travel movement

vihreämpää matkustamista
Tislaamon alueella on asiakkaillemme käytössä sähköauton latauspiste, jonka energia on tuotettu 100 % tuulivoimalla. Biokaasuasema löytyy tien toiselta puolelta pihapiirimme välittömästä läheisyydestä.
Minimizing energy spending
Our whisky distillery uses biogas for energy. This biogas is produced from pig excrement and biological waste. 99, 99% of all energy used at the distillery and the Visitor center is renewable. 

Hot water is an essential part of the distilling process. We re use the hot water to warm our buildings. 

The bill that is produced when alcohol is distilled id used to feeding the local cows, and the methanol created in the process is used to help the local water plant to keep it bacteria ecosystem thrive.
The locality has made us who we are now. We found our home in Isokyrö and that area is where the rye is from and from where all our products start their journey to all over the world. 

We do a lot of collaboration work with the locals as well as support charities and sponsor all kinds of arganizations. 

Equality is something that we want to support and commit to in everything we do. We support the Pride organization and have a productive partnership with Pertti's Choice.
Green Key
The green key certificate is a sign of quality of our company. It's a token of sustainability efforts done and in the making, a sign of an ongoing will to develop and educate ourselves in this area.
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tutustu tislaamon ympäristöön

Isostakyröstä löytyy puistoja ja luonnonsuojelualueita. Esimerkiksi Tuomaanmäen alueella on luonnonsuojelualue, josta löytyy pronssikautinen hautaröykkiö. Lue kohteista lisää Isonkyrön verkkosivuilta!